ISO 9001 Certified

Registration number:HQ-Q-1625
Registration date:2012/4/30/

Quality Policy

Basic Principles

To achieve our basic principles and elevate the satisfaction of our customers and our company, we will establish a quality management system, integrate it with our business process while also operating and maintaining this system. Additionally, we will continually improve the effectiveness of our quality management system through the execution of a PDCA management cycle. To this end, our employees will fulfill their responsibilities and engage in activities as a whole.

Deployment of Quality Policy

Based on the quality policy listed above, we will specifically perform the following items.

  1. 1
    Creating a culture of safety
    We will make it known to all of our employees that safety is of the utmost priority in the field of nuclear energy, and we will contribute to the achievement, maintenance, and improvement of nuclear energy safety. We will constantly question ourselves and continuously perform activities to create a sincere and reliable culture of safety.
  2. 2
    Elevating customer satisfaction
    In addition to recognizing the importance of satisfying the direct demands of our customers, we will provide products and services that match customer demands as well as make efforts to achieve elevated customer satisfaction, and by doing so, we will contribute to the people of the whole country.
  3. 3
    Emphasizing compliance
    We will recognize the importance of business-related legal and regulatory requirements, and we will make efforts to properly execute our business with a firm emphasis on compliance.
  4. 4
    Continually developing our quality management system
    We will make efforts to plan and operate our business by a process approach based on ISO 9001 requirements, and after recognizing the results of this, we will then continually improve the effectiveness of our quality management system.